Trulli - not at all sure where this would go best. These conical Italian houses may date to the Romanesque period, the pre-Romanesque, or even the Prehistoric period. This site has seven speedy pages of variable quality. Well worth the visit, if only to see whole villages of human beehives!
Trullo Monte Zuzzu - here's a trullo you can rent, and because of that it is beautifully illustrated. Go take a look.
Art Romànic - large pure image collection of Romanesque art and architecture. Can be slow, but thumbnails expand to exellent quality.
Art Roman - enormous, high quality French site on Romanesque art and architecture. One to three pages per site with shortish text and many expandable pics. Very rich site.
Ottonian Imperial Insignia - eight pages of excellent scans from the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Click on the little plus signs for humdinger enlargements. I've started you on the Imperial crown of c.960. Check out its enamels, its polished but unfacetted gems, and the unbelievably delicate (for the time) claw settings in place of the more usual plain or beaded bezel collars.
Gospels of Henry the Lion - a 12th-century Ottonian Gospel Book at Brunswick cathedral, Germany, possibly given to accompany the Mary Altar also shown on this site. Rather small pics only give you an idea, but better than nothing. Explore the links to see better pics of other Romanesque objects at this cathedral. Text is in German.
Lippoldsberg (or Hardehäuser) Gospels - nice expandable images of this 12th century Gospel book, in black and white, but generously illustrated. Text in German.
The Eadwine Psalter - well, one illustration from it anyway. Page by Karen Jolly with invitation to mull over an interesting art historical problem. Do so.
Vall de Boí - very useful frames site showing the First Romanesque churches in the Spanish Pyrenées, with expandable plans, exteriors, interiors, paintings and sculptures as relevant. Did you know that S Climente at Tahull had a wilting bell tower? Scroll down to see it. Text is in French, but you can click for Spanish if you prefer.
Conques Tympanum - WHY won't the French understand about forwarding URLs??? However, after a great deal of trouble, I've found it in its new, much faster guise. And AGAIN! Worth it for the great pics, though. And ... again: SITE RECONSTRUCTION PLANNED FOR COMPLETION "early 2005"
Statue Reliquary of Ste Foie - Ste Foie is the only surviving example of her kind of reliquary, and quite possibly one of the earliest ever made. I've started you at the treasury, St Foie is the top link. SITE RECONSTRUCTION PLANNED FOR COMPLETION "early 2005"
Notre Dame d'Orcival - not far from Conques is Orcival, probably built by the same bishop of Clermont who sponsored Conques. This nice site has plans, inside and outside views.
Pilgrim Routes to Santiago - useful little site with Romanesque architecture, sculpture and painting found along the three Spanish pilgrim routes to Santiago (from Portugal, France and along the north coast).
The Virgin of Orcival - Like Conques, Orcival has its own old reliquary after whom the church is named. But this statue is a good 150 years later than Ste Foie (above). Compare them.
Anglo-Saxon Cathedral, Canterbury - the Anglo-Saxon foundations under Canterbury Cathedral were found during the 1990s. You can see them on this site, whose top image is broken (but it only showed the present cathedral).
Anglo-Saxon Canterbury - a nice complement to the site above, with coloured diagrams, a reconstruction of the original building, and a truly vertiginous photo of the Anglo-Saxon foundations. Do visit.
Abbey Church of Ottmarsheim - a teaser site to make you buy the book (not a bad idea), it shows you plan section and exterior view. The site is in French, and note that "Aix-la-Chapelle" is French for "Aachen", Charlemagne's capital. Be sure to follow its links to similarly good Romanesque and Gothic sites in France.
Pierres Romanes - French Romanesque and Gothic art and architecture - interesting site with many expandable decent pics; some examples so full of thumbnails that they take a long time to load, but well worth the wait. Explore this one!
St Sernin - very enjoyable English translation of an attractive French site full of enlargeable pics of the exterior, interior, decoration and treasury - and more. Check out the "marker map".
Underground Church in Aubeterre, Charente, France - a 12th century church cut into a chalk cliff. Stunning photos by Henri de Feraudy.
Vezelay - church of light - useful French site whose navigation is distinctly quirky. So I've started you on the church itself, and it is easiest if you use the larger-text links just above the title to see the rest of the art historical material. Nice pic at the bottom, showing the spots of natural sunlight marking out the nave at noon on the winter and summer solstices
Autun Cathedral - nice page from the French Ministry of Culture. Explore the rest of the site for lots of French cathedrals with classic black and white pics that pop up in viewing windows. Very elegant site. On this page, scroll down to the bottom and enjoy Joseph singing as he trundles his wife and adopted son into Egypt - courtesy of Gislebertus.
Three Carved Capitals from Vézelay - Info correction: Gislebertus-like work in very clear images. LINK TIMING OUT as at 14th January, 2005
Notre-Dame-la-Grande, Poitiers - this is nice. Be sure to click on the façade, and interior links and thumbnails, and enjoy the dazzling effects of the detailed carving outside and the painted diapered piers in the nave arcade.
Sculpted and Painted Capitals from the Auvergne, France - more glorious photos by Henri de Feraudy. This page has capitals from various churches. Scroll to the bottom to find a link to the architecture, wall-painting and capitals in the church of St Julien de Brioude.
Thais - Italian Romanesque Sculpture - an extraordinarily rich site.
Tour of Durham Cathedral - Excellent images, quite quick to load. Offers tours of the cathedral, the castle and the promontory on which they stand. Only visit the "official cathedral website" if you can stand a slow flashpage followed by tourist info only.
Norwich Cathedral - photo tour of this Romanesque English cathedral. Norwich cathedral still has the second tallest spire in England, and has the only intact Norman apse with ambulatory. The nave vaults are much later Gothic. Clicking on the map numbers is the only way to get around - suggest you open each click in a new window to save your sanity. LINK REPLACED 14th January, 2005
York Minster Undercroft - some interesting images of stuff not often seen on the web. Note the 10th century grave, for example.
The Cloisters Cross - well what a waste of the most exquisite piece of carving you'll ever see! This ivory altar cross is less than two feet tall and is covered with tiny one-inch figures holding scrolls - and each has all five fingers! You can't see that here, but it will remind you to look for it when you're next in New York.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa - an exhaustive photo archive. Explore a bit. See the architecture and its decoration.
The Abbey Church of St Denis - this is one of the best pages from Alison Stones' huge site on Medieval French churches, which you can get to from the link at the bottom of the page.
Chartres, Sanctuary of the World - a rather pleasant frames site showing good pics and text of the architecture, sculpture and particularly clear views of some stained glass.
The Castles of Wales - huge numbers of Gothic castles, with many views and alphabetical index.
French Medieval Castles - mostly Gothic, it seems, so I've put them here. Masses of castles, each with at least an overview pic and some text. Enjoyable site.
The Medieval Louvre - a pic of the model showing the original Gothic building begun by Phillip Augustus II. Just waiting to be painted by the Limbourg brothers. This is from a much bigger site, which is so dense and wide-ranging that you'll just have to click around and explore.
The Chapels in the Palais des Papes, Avignon - from the French Ministry for Culture. Lovely pics from an Italian artist working in France.
Cathedral at Albi - tantalizingly brief glimpses of this cathedral inside and out. Check out its vaults and treasury, and also the panoramic view of the town itself.
Images on the Shroud of Turin - a theory that the images were produced photographically in the Middle Ages and required surprisingly accessible info on crucifixions and surprisingly little chemical understanding. See what you think. LINK FIXED 15th January, 2005 If you're interested, check out these additional links, one of which suggests the photographer might have been Leonardo da Vinci!
Ekkehart and Uta - can't think why this wonderful chapel isn't better represented on the web. Here is the best colour pic I've found of two of the many statues in Naumburg's western choir, c.1145. Remember, these two face Hermann and Richilindis. They all disapprove of Richilindis with her vulgar tan - but her badge proves that she got that tan on pilgrimage to Santiago, so this snooty lot have got it all wrong!
Pestkreuz, Rottenburg Cathedral - a single goodish pic of a less-famous Pestkreuz in Stuttgart. Many of these were produced after the Black Death, and have become topical again. Worth a look.
Monasteries of the Upper Rhine - German site with links to good photos of many monasteries begun in Romanesque or Gothic times and often completed much later. Aerial shots, interiors, exteriors and treasuries - explore it all.
Architecture in Denmark - collection of churches and manor houses with short text and good quality expandable pics. Too many on each page, sadly, but a good resource, nonetheless.
Churchs in Gotland - very rich site indeed. If you don't know the churches by name, click at random. The earliest are 13th century, so they make a good complement to the Danish painting sites below (although Gotland is Swedish).
Medieval Wallpaintings in Danish Churches - the site has been reorganized and all English removed. You can still find the pics if you use the kirkeindex. It will bring up an unlabelled map. Click at random, choose church names at random and see what happens. Not much control here, unless you know exactly what you're looking for and where to find it. Pity.
ORB: Danish Church Art - this will complement the one above very usefully. Top links in this index page are to essays in English. Scroll down for the images - these links will bring up more description with links to excellent images. Colours and mentality remind me of Spanish Romanesque. LINK FIXED 12th January, 2005
Life of Edward the Confessor - MS Ee.3.59 is a mid-13th-century manuscript with illustrations and decorations shown here page by page and almost infinitely zoomable. Click on the images to zoom in on your chosen area.
13th Century Illuminated Bible - possibly by William de Brailes. Lots of expandable pics of decent quality. Very charming English Gothic painting. From the Bodleian Library.
600 Suffolk Churches, 542 on this site - digestible pages of pics and text for each church. Pick and choose as you like - it's a fast loader! Suffolk churches are mostly made of the local flint, so have a distinctive appearance. Plenty of Norman and Gothic, hammerbeam roofs you have to see, and also "wool churches", which are a kind of hall church.LINK FIXED 14th January, 2005
65 Norfolk Churches - a complement to the site above. Similar kinds of church - East Anglia is very rich in Medieval buildings.
Medieval Wallpaintings in English Churches - who'd have believed so much of this material survives?? Click on the tiny fast-loading thumbnails for a good enlargement and some explanatory text. Good idea to open them in new windows, though.
Lincoln Cathedral - ack - they've redone it in Flash! Use the quick navigation link to view the nave with its well-developed tierceron vault. Then take the rest of the tour if you like. Now, here's a pic of the crazy vault in St Hugh's choir, immediately behind the nave (give that link time to load, really). It's a straightforward rib vault with the left-right diagonal rib split apart, and it's earlier than the nave in the link above.
Exeter Cathedral Bosses and Keystones - the original site disappeared but here is a nice collection of the bosses, and still worth seeing. Exeter has the longest tierceron vault in the world, with the thickest ribs and the biggest carved bosses, so you want to see this. And here is a "portrait" of Roger the Mason.
Kings College Chapel, Cambridge - well, I give up! They blew out their excellent images of the vaults in 1998, planned a replacement virtual tour and still haven't done it (I even offered to help.) But here are some good pics of the outside anyway. Sigh.
The Vault of Kings' College Chapel, Cambridge, UK - Well, while we wait for the Kings' College site to rehabilitate itself (which they promise they are doing!), here is an excellent image of the vault from Great Buildings Online. The architect, by the way, was John Wastell, not "unknown". LINK FIXED 15th January, 2005
Gloucester Cathedral Cloister - one superb image of these glorious late Gothic cloisters taken from a very unusual view, by Stephen Shepherd, Department of English, Southern Methodist University. Gorgeous.
Auxerre Cathedral - lovely, very typically French site with excellent images and quirky navigation. Look for roll-over effects and watch out for tiny little arrows to scroll with. This cathedral goes from Carolingian to post Gothic times. Take the "visite virtuel du pèlerin" (virtual pilgrim's visit) - and enjoy the haloed manuscript monk lurking here and there.
Amiens Cathedral - tremendous, elegant site, although slow loading because it is so big, and I cannot make all its features work. But the many spectacular photos are well worth the wait.
Medieval Painting in the South of France - nonintuitive navigation but an enjoyable site, fast loading with plenty of high quality illustrations. Definitely explore this one. Check out this piece of illusionism and never again let anyone tell you Medieval artists couldn't draw!
Limoges Enamelwork - from the French Ministry of Culture, I've started you on the index by type. The enlarged (but not over large) images are good when you get to them. See also the page on the champlevé technique. Even if you don't read French, the photos are wonderfully clear. Check out this Madonna.
DScriptorium Home Page - very detailed images of 13th and 14th century Gothic manuscripts.
Manuscripts at the University of Liège - beautiful expandable images of the illuminations in manuscripts from 13th to 16th century at this historic library. Rather a dense frames page, so I'm setting you off into a new window.
Paging through Medieval Lives - calligraphy and illustrations in various Utah Libraries, mostly Gothic, western and non-western. Delightfully clear. Great site.
Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St John's College - site has been reorganized and it's harder to find images, which are now sorted not by type but by collection. Still, nice pics when you get to them.
Medieval Manuscript Leaves - a collection of manuscript leaves from 12th to 16th centuries, mostly from 14th and 15th centuries. The Cary Collection has listed them in random order, each with its own page containing full view and blown up detail. Good pics, irritating site design - and the Vulgate was not the only version of the Bible known in the west in the Middle Ages.
The Unicorn Tapestries - this is the other famous set of unicorn tapestries at the Met (green background, images tell the story of the hunt). Click on pics for quite good blow-ups. Got to see both sets!
Claus Sluter: The Well of Moses - a powerful late Gothic Dutch sculptor working in Burgundy in the late 14th and early 15th century. This is from Mary Ann Sullivan's Digital Imaging project. Explore the rest of her site from the links at the bottom of the page.
Thais - Italian Sculpture - an extraordinarily rich site, used to be slow but seems much improved. Great Gothic section.
Remember to check out the Vatican Museums, the Uffizi and the Louvre in the museums section, below, as well as the general link collections.
Census of Antique Sculpture Known in the Renaissance - a page in German, specimen of something they hope you'll download. But it has at the top Medieval and Renaissance copies of the Spinario (boy with thorn in foot). LINK FIXED 12th January, 2005
Vasari's Lives of the Artists - lovely idea! Vasari's lives are illustrated with expandable thumbnails of the works he mentions. There are three index pages, roughly chronologically arranged. Click on "next" and "previous" to move between them. Or click on an artist's name.
Mega Italy: Florence Guide - most of the images are rather small and the "guides" have yet to be installed, but click on the architecture links, and you'll get good big pics of Renaissance architecture that doesn't often get illustrated.
Florence Cathedral - one nice pic of the façade. NEW LINK 15th January, 2005
Florence Cathedral Complex - good general orientation, aerial shots, links to info about the various architects and artists. Useful site. NEW LINK 15th January, 2005
Secrets of Florence - a revamped Italian site worth exploring. Be sure to check out Cupola 3D (views of the frescos in the cathedral dome), and explore - there's a good tour of the Renaissance Palazzo Horne that's now a museum, too. NEW LINKS 15th January, 2005
Bunelleschi's Perspective System - hooray! At long I've last re-found this fascinating site on Brunelleschi and linear Perspective, with illustrations of the experiment with the mirror and the Baptistery and video clip showing Brunelleschi's perspective drawing of his prospective church superimposed on a view of it as built. Good page by Joseph W. Dauben, CUNY Graduate Center and Lehman College.
Donatello - from Vasari's lives linked above. This is the first of seven pages with excellent, expandable images. Some of the best scans of Donatello's work that I've seen anywhere on the web.
The Brancacci Chapel - from the most excellent Web Gallery of Art (link in Museums Section), here you get views of the chapel as a whole, and pics of each scene (from before the restoration, sadly, so they are rather murky). Take a look at the left side and appreciate the continuity of the perspective.
Paolo Uccello - rather a slow-loading side with many images by this Early Renaissance artist who obsessed on linear perspective. See his Flood in the Chiostro Verde, his Battle of San Romano with the spears laid out on the orthogonals and the dead knight, and also see two of his stained glass windows.
The Earliest Surviving Engraving - a Flagellation of Christ by an unknown artist. From a site about various methods of printing. The commentary for the engraving is in the "intaglio" link.
Sant'Andrea, Mantua - two photos of the interior of Alberti's great church in Mantua. We don't often get to see them in color, so enjoy! Thanks to Leo Curran.
Finding the Battle of the Anghiari? - article from about 2000: two years previously, an Italian restorer/historian, Maurizio Seracini, said he could find Leonardo's lost fresco behind Vasari's panels in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. The only words on those panels are "cerca trovare" (seek and find). In 2000, he was looking to start the search. The article is in Italian, but bring up the picture gallery to see his evidence.
Leonardo's Bridge - it was designed to go 240 meters over the Bosphorus but was never built. Just another Leonardo "idea", until the Norwegian artist Vebjørn Sand built it a few years ago. You must see this!
The Drawings of Leonardo - a page thick with studies and anatomical drawings. Horrible thumbnails but lovely full-sized images.
Why is the Mona Lisa Smiling? - surrealistic morphing by the students of JFK High School, to demonstrate an interesting theory. Do you agree with it? Let them know!
Dr. Margaret Livingstone's Theory - another theory on Mona Lisa's smile, and quite an interesting one. Wait till I publish my own theory, that's all! Meanwhile, this site will load slowly and then you'll have to click again. But do it. It's an interesting page.
Leonardo's Lady with an Ermine - this is my exercise in visualization, transferred from the front page of this site. The original background was blue, but what kind? And is that an ermine??
This is not Michelangelo's David - it is an early 20th-century copy in Marseilles, France. But I've added it here because they have it outside and against the sky, as Michelangelo intended for his own statue. Pity it's still not high enough up - the perspectival compaction makes a big difference to the appearance - but you still get the silhouette effect.
The Villa Madama - beautifully restored, Raphael's villa for a Medici cardinal overlooking Rome. Based on Nero's Golden House, if memory serves. LINK REPLACED 12th January, 2005
Raphael's Oil Paintings - useful collection of galleries showing details of Raphael's works. This site is still growing. NEW LINK, 25th APRIL, 2005
The Cornaro Family and Venice - good site showing the patronage in art and architecture of a single powerful Venetian family. Notice on the palaces page how brutally those enormous white Renaissance palaces disrupt the smaller-scale amber and rose Gothic city.
Venice Snaps - to help you "get" what the Renaissance did to Venice, here are Gary Strait's holiday snaps - click "next" till the canal runs out. He's got some good photos of other art historically significant or interesting stuff too, so click on his "map" and "home" buttons and see what you find.
Palazzo del Te - oh go see this! Several pages of colour shots of this oversized party-party house with a 200-horse stud stables but no kitchens! Look at the courtyard (no 5) walls and see if you get the joke. That's not just decoration: that's Mannerism!
Palladio's Villas - single shots of five famous villas. Check out the Cornaro, though - it has some interior shots too.
Palladio's Buildings Around Vicenza - site from Vicenza's tourist board, with a single clean shot of each building. Good start.
The Enchanted Gardens of the Renaissance - excellent site, although never as beautiful again as in its first incarnation. But much simplified and faster loading. To go directly to the individual gardens, use the links below:
The Grove of Bomarzo - images start on the second page.
The Villa Lante, Bagnaia - images start on the second page.
The Villa d'Este - images start on the second page.
Italian Renaissance Gardens - eight gardens! And only one duplication from the site above. Very attractive site, with lots of expandable views. Take a look!
Sandro Botticelli - interesting information and images, but rather dark, sadly. Use the link "to know more" to get a wide range of Botticelli's work and culture.
Exploring Linear Perspective - a nice interactive diagram. Try it and see.
Investigating Aerial Perspective - another nice (rather impressive) interactive diagram, if your browser is up to it.
The Sistine Chapel - every bit of it is illustrated, from before the restoration, unfortunately, but very informative. Scroll down to find the individual images.
Sistine Chapel Ceiling - nice site with good photo-map of the ceiling which links to individual scenes. Sadly, the post restoration comparisons seem to have been removed, but still a very clear site.
Architectural Models in the Renaissance - rather an oddly laid out site with (in the fourth and fifth links) excellent expandable images of Brunelleschi's model for Florence cathedral, Sangallo's model for St Peter's, Bramante's parchment plan, Michelangelo's model for S Lorenzo, and more. Definitely worth a look. NEW LINK 15th January, 2005
Christ Church Picture Gallery - the art collection of Christ Church College, Oxford, with good quality reproductions of images not found elsewhere - including a Leonardo drawing, a Tintoretto, Annibale Carracci, Dürer, Van Dyck and Verrocchio. Gracious site. Visit it. LINKS FIXED 12th January, 2005
The Isenheim Altarpiece - at the Musée d'Unterlinden, four pages of history and info in French, with crystal details. Click on the little arrows, or for pages 2-4 click on the main image to choose the detailed area which will come up to the left. Then click on arrows. Important work by Grünewald, just post-dating the Sistine Chapel Ceiling.
Museo Amadeo Lia - nice page with some lesser known pics by early Mannerists. It's in Italian but the images are good. Click on the "ingrandimento" links for enlargements.
Lorenzo Lotto - by Patricia Boccadoro for Culture Kiosque. Couple of nice pics and informative short essay.
Wolf Huber and Jacob Seisenegger - an excellent pic of Seisenegger's portrait of the Emperor Charles V, 1532. Titian's copy of this portrait (in the Prado) is widely considered an improvement, so we don't often get to see the original in color. Thanks to the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.
The Vatican Stanze - including the bits not by Raphael. Unrestored. LINK FIXED 15th January, 2005
Japanese Minimalist - check out Hon'ami Koetsu, a 16th century Japanese master whose surprisingly "modern" approach was the subject of an exhibition at the Met.
The Wearing of the Great Kilt - contrary to popular supposition, the Scottish kilt is not very old, and the whole tradition is remarkably mixed. The earliest testimonials on the kilt date to the 16th century, and their tone suggests that the writers found it new and extraordinary. Wait till you see how it's put on, then you'll understand! Tartan is even later - most originated around the 19th century. This informative and enjoyable site also has links to modern pseudo-penannular brooches to pin into the kilt (but the first pseudo-pennanulars appeared during the early 8th century).LINK FIXED 14th January, 2005
Death in Art - from the fifteenth century onwards, themes of the Plague and death. Interesting site.
The Planets and Their Children - a delightful site showing a composite 15th century German block book, put together digitally by Marianne Hansen of the engineering library at Cornell. Slow but good!
Novgorod School, The Mandylion - good opportunity to remind you of the persistence of Byzantinizing art. This link gives a pic and some info on a Russian icon of the Mandylion dating to c.1500. Compare the concept with Shroud of Turin GOOD NEW LINK 14th January, 2005.
Russia's Taj Mahal: St Basil's Cathedral, Moscow - page of very good pics of this rather magnificent cathedral. Let it load. Built for Ivan the Terrible, 1555-1560.
English Stuff - superb images of English painting and sculpture of the 15th and 16th centuries. That's Gothic in England, but I put it here to remind you that it's contemporary with the Italian Renaissance, not earlier. Scroll down to the Memento Mori section. Slow loading links but worth the wait.
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre - when its foundations were discovered, they decided to reconstruct it, so here it is in all its English Renaissance glory.
Remember to check out the Vatican Museums, the Uffizi, the Gallery Farnese, and the Louvre in the museums section, below, as well as the general link collections.
Art and Optics - site that used to detail David Hockney's theories on the use of primitive cameras by artists from the Baroque period and later. Note that several art historians had been exploring these theories long before they occurred to Mr. Hockney. Philip Steadman is one such (and there are others in this link).
Paintings of Vermeer - page with interesting links, including one to all the paintings of Vermeer. Worth exploring.
Vermeer and Delft - interesting mixed page by Kees Kaldenbach, who uses Vermeer's townscapes to reconstruct historic Delft. Illustrated essays and some very attractive Quicktime movies. Enjoyable!
Web Museum, Frans Hals - gorgeous reproductions. It is rare to get a good clear look at bravura.
Dutch Warehouses - a new kind of architecture conceived for a new function in the 17th century. Many original ones survive! This site gives you plenty of detail, lovely pics opening in separate windows, and is worth exploring for other architecture too.
Mark Harden's Museum of Art, Rembrandt Exhibition - lovely site with the pictures in a gallery and wonderful zooms. Definitely visit this.
The Wallace Collection - quite unique, this is the undispersed, unadulterated art collection of several generations of one aristocratic family - a documentation of the formation of the art historical "canon". Unfortunately, you really have to click around to find any pictures. LINK FIXED 12th January, 2005
History of Versailles - sadly, the tours and panoramas have disappeared, but there are some interesting pics of Versailles at various dates. LINK FIXED 12th January, 2005
Virtual Tourist Versailles - but here is a panorama of the main courtyard. Check it out and take the virtual tour - niceish pics and they promise more panoramas.
Château de Blois - three pics of this quadruple château of 13th to 17th century. LINK FIXED 12th January, 2005
Hergiswald church - notice religious art beginning to tail off in this Baroque-Rococo section. This Swiss church has a 17th-century painted ceiling by Kaspar Meglinger. Lots of renditions of the Virgin as Immaculate Conception. Scroll down to see the details.
St Peter's Façade, restored - Maderno's façade was added 1607-12, and extended during the same century to include the bases of side towers that were never built. When the façade was restored, they discovered Maderno had washed the flat walls with colour to make the columns stand out better. Here is one lovely detail of that restoration. Then explore more of the gallery. NEW LINK 15th January, 2005
Casa del Labrador - a Spanish Baroque castle - one page of useful pics and a little text. Visit also the page on Aranjuez which links to various others. This one has pics of the royal palace and its gardens. Helps if you read Spanish.
National Palace of Queluz - apparently one of the most faithful foreign copies of Versailles, this initially slow site gives you pics of several rooms - pretty. Then supplement it with these stunning expandable photos of the exterior and gardens. Couple more pics. NEW LINKS 15th January, 2005
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