© Michelli
Standard Paper Grading Policy
It is impossible to give totally hard-and-fast indications about grading policies where paper-writing is concerned, because the act of writing a paper is creative. It is designed to develop your
thoughts in unexpected directions, test them out, and produce conclusions. No one can predict
every possible way of writing a paper, so no single grading policy can be imposed rigidly. The
comments below are guidelines only.
Remember that your paper is trying to demonstrate that you have come to
grips with the subject and that you are in control of the information at
your disposal (including the bits you may think don't matter, like
spelling). To establish all this, there are some things that every paper
should contain. I have assigned them to various grade bands, to emphasize
how they work together to build your paper, and how they affect your final
grade. Let us assume that your paper is anyway worth 50 points. Now:
- 10 pts
- Grammar and
vocabulary. Plain language. Past tense. Clear and direct sentence
structure. Use of correct words for purpose. No malapropisms. If in
doubt, look it up. Language is your first and most familiar logical
process. It is how you label, organize and communicate your thoughts. If
you are not in command of this basic logical process, you cannot be in
command of what you are using it for.
- 4 pts
- Successful understanding and following of ALL instructions
- If in doubt, consult your professor or a writing tutor
- 3 pts
- Good organization of your paper
- Get paper-writing
notes, if you need them
- 3 pts
- Good presentation
- Type or word-process your work, wide margins, double-line spacing (single for
paper plans, clear line between sections), clean paper, illustrations on paper the same size as
your text, diagrams done with ruler and compasses or stencil - a good general
- 6 pts
- General accuracy of factual content
- Spelling, names, dates, events, quotations, references, acknowledgements, etc -
do not invent "facts" because you think they ought to be true, or because they help prove your
point. If you have to do this, you know already that your paper is no good!
- 4 pts
- Thoroughness
- Adequate range of aspects considered, representative range of
examples, completeness of sentences, ideas, arguments and discussions.
Use of topic sentences and summary statements
- 3 pts
- Catching the implications of the assignment
- For example, the topic is likely to be fairly narrowly focussed, but it fits into the
broader framework of the course itself. Think about how that works. What is the professor
trying to make you think about? Try work that understanding into your answer
- 3 pts
- Applying information, reasoning, speculating,
demonstrating your points
- Working things out in relation to established or partly established facts, using
suitable language to convey logic, deduction, doubt or possibility.
Showing why something you said is true - i.e. giving examples,
quotations, evidence and references as relevant
- 4 pts
- Going into dialog with the assignment
- Supporting, developing or challenging the premise or thesis of
the assignment. Presenting your own ideas, hypotheses, or understanding
in contrast to or in dialog with the class and with published
- 3 pts
- Catching the implications about how the topic relates to the present day
with its very different values and social structures
- Note if the topic demonstrates the introduction of values and ideas which we take
for granted today, or which we think are important; note if the topic demonstrates the rejection of
values and ideas we no longer approve of or believe; note if the topic demonstrates a partial step
towards our own society - try and work some of this into your answer without stretching the point
too far. You need a very light touch for this bit.
- 3 pts
- Inspiration
- Demonstrating a superlative degree of understanding, a unique and illuminating
approach, or mind bending brilliance
- 3 pts
- Judgement call
- For everything that falls outside these guidelines
Obviously, it is not enough merely to do these things. You need to do them successfully and you
need to do them well. Also obviously, if you have an A band quality of understanding the
question, but your organization, presentation and accuracy are out - you won't get an A. Each
grade is also about having got the ones before it right. It is hard to get an A: we
normally expect less than 10% of any class to achieve one. Be proud of a B.
In the end, what you have to keep in mind is that papers in Art History deal mainly with non-factual material. Non-factual material is slippery stuff, so it has to be handled carefully. Your
competence has to be proved in every possible way, as outlined above, so that your reader trusts
your judgement about the rest.
If you need them, get the notes on:
preparation (the research end)
Paper writing
(organization to best effect)
Paper Presentation
Requirements (to give yourself the edge)
Note taking (the course
contains unique material - you won't be able to read up on it all)