
We probably all agree that Racine’s economy is in need of stimulus and diversification. Many of us also feel that our potential for tourism is high: we have an attractive historic city on the shore of Lake Michigan within easy reach of Milwaukee and Chicago. It seems obvious that we should be able to attract significant tourist interest. Here, I am presenting a three-stage process that I believe is both viable and sustainable, and will also have a beneficial impact on the communities around us.

I have given the projects a working title of “Racine Riviera” to reflect their tourism orientation and our potential to create a lakeside resort equal in stature to the great European ones – such as Zurich, Morges, Annecy, and Como. Other American cities in our position have done it with success, and we have many factors already working in our favor. It is up to us to realize the potential our “Belle City” has for tourism now.

Please see the links to the right. I suggest you start with the slideshow, and then if you would like to take it at your own pace, or focus on particular aspects, look at the thumbnails. Click on them to expand, and look for the forward, backward and close buttons at the bottom.

Don Groetzinger