Survey of Western Art


Professor: Dr. Perette Michelli, Ext 3098, E-mail me.
Class: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2.00-2.50 p.m., Flaten Hall lecture room
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 3.00-4.00 p.m., and by appointment
Required set book: M Stokstad, Art History, Prentice Hall, Abrams, 1995
Projects due: See due dates on Assignment List (Fridays)

This course covers Western art from the year dot to the middle/late Gothic period. It may be the only Art History course you ever take. Or it may be the foundation of your major. Either way, you want to leave it with a good grasp of the range of ideas, styles and periods, and a personal "take" on the field. If it turns out to be the foundation of your major, you really want to keep it all from slipping out of your mind. This course is intended to achieve that.

Survey courses can be a grind because of the sheer quantity of material to be learned. This course is different: you do not have to learn any identifications, and there will be no tests during the semester. But there is a lot of work. This course involves nearly three hours in the classroom each week. You should therefore expect to put in at least seven hours of your own time, outside class (10 hours is quarter of a normal working week). This is for learning the terminology, doing the assignments, and attending gallery functions. You will remember the stuff you understand (terminology) and the stuff do and think for yourself (projects, class discussion) infinitely better than anything you merely read or hear.



Grading is on a points system: Total 1400 points.

Projects and prepared discussions are worth 100 points each. See the grading policy for details. Late submissions will cost 2 points per class day not submitted. Total 1000 points.

Attendance is graded: 37 classes (not including the first day), two points each, 6 points given. Total 100 points.

Class contribution is graded. The class is divided into two groups. Each group is responsible for contributions on alternate days, but may contribute on other days after the main group, if there is time. Aim to contribute 40 times during the semester (that is 2-3 times on your days). Each contribution is worth 4 points. Total 160 points.

Terminology is graded. During the semester, it is tracked and graded with name tags. The final exam will begin with a terminology test, worth a further 100 points

Gallery attendance: four exhibitions worth 10 points each. Total 40 points.
