Introduction to course, syllabus; Assignment: Seniors start to consider topics; Juniors seek Project 2 in Prodigal Son exhibition Read: Fernie, Introduction (10-21) E-mail: Visit exhibition and e-mail first impressions/response to Prodigal Son exhibition
11th Feb
Required: EXHIBITION OPENING, 4.00 talk; reception 5.00 - 8.00
Check out some of the art: The
Lutheran, March 1998 - including one work by Mac Gimse.
12th Feb
Class Project (Project 1): BLAKE (college collection) - unprepared study, examination, subjects, visual analysis, issues of style, content, concepts; brainstorm approaches Assignment: annotated bibs on Blake, prints, C19 English art, C19 industry/society, Romanticism (due next time). Read: Vasari, in Fernie 22-42
17th Feb
Talk-thrus, distribute bibs, pin down issues of authors, dialogue with students' issues; Assignment: individual examination/reviews/responses to single issues (500-1000 words) Read: Bellori, in Fernie 58-67
19th Feb
Talk-thrus, distribute issues and pin down state of research Read: Winkelmann, in Fernie 68-76
24th and 26th Feb, no classes
Assignment: Visit
Prodigal Son exhibition and e-mail class to say what you think Evenrud's
criteria for selection were, and what you think his purpose for the
collection is. Also in the e-mail, review his apparent concept of art
(possible hint: check ahead in Fernie, especially Riegl, Belting and Alpers).
Read: Burkhardt, in Fernie 85-91, and Morelli, 103-115
3rd March
Class discussion: organize or debate our
understanding of Blake & where he fits artistically & culturally, knock-on effects of his work. Assignment: plan for putative paper on Blake (to be reviewed later by peers, so the plan must be specific in content). Due 10th March. Read: Riegl, in Fernie 116-126 Check out:Stanford
Presidential Lectures upcoming talk by Svetlana Alpers, but check it
out anyway for much broader methodological and intellectual issues
5th March
Class discussion: methodology issues from
reading; Assignment: E-mail follow-up on issues raised in methodology discussion Assignment: Juniors choose 2 possible projects from Prodigal Son exhibition, Juniors and Seniors bib search to test viability of projects (submit annotated bibs next week, 12th March) Read: Wöllflin, in Fernie 127-151
10th March
Plans due (see assignment, unit 5): 2 copies;
1 for grading, 1 for review - distribute (reviews due 19th March).
Pointers on oral presentation
Distinction Statements Read: Frankl, in Fernie 152-156
12th March
(no class) Annotated Bibs due (see Assignment, unit 6)
Assess viability of projects (appointments during class time & around) Read: Fry, in Fernie 157-167
END OF BLAKE CLASS PROJECT. PROJECTS & THESES BEGIN NEXT WEEK Assignment: Prepare written question for Jerry Evenrud (see 24th Feb & unit 9, below).
17th March
Junior Project 2 begins Jerry Evenrud to visit class? (If not, see unit 10 for class discussion)
Class debate with Evenrud: (a) to establish his methodology and (b) debate with him on the nature and purpose of art. E-mail follow-up: where do you place Evenrud and his collection methodologically? Read: Barr, in Fernie 179-180, and Panofsky, 181-195
19th March
Jerry Evenrud to visit class? (If so, see
unit 9 for debate) Peer reviews due (see unit 7): discuss issues of plan format and communication Class discussion: Methodology issues raised since Frankl; Panofsky Read: Pevsner, in Fernie 196-200
31st March
Senior progress reports (× 3) with
presentation feedback; submit annotated bib, & 1-2 pp on issues, problems, ideas, proposed strategies; distribute outlines extracted from reports Juniors: start to consider Project 3 Read: Hauser, in Fernie 201-213 Continuing e-mail assignment: What did the concepts of artistic cycles, progress, a world spirit, and greatness contribute to art historical methodology? Do these ideas have any continuing value and, if so, what? If you reject them, what will you put in their place? How will you give (or trace) meaning and purpose in art? (One post per week)
2nd April
Senior progress reports (× 3) with
presentation feedback; submit annotated bib, & 1-2 pp on issues, problems, ideas, proposed strategies; distribute outlines extracted from reports Juniors: start to prepare annotated bibs for Project 3 Read: Sontag, in Fernie 214-222
6th April
7th April
Junior presentations of Project 2 (× 2) &
Submit as paper (2 copies) Read: Gombrich, in Fernie 223-236
9th April
Junior presentations of Project 2 (× 2) &
Submit as paper (2 copies) Read: Fagg, in Fernie 237-244
14th April
Assignment: junior peer reviews of Project 2
(due 23rd April) Senior progress reports (× 3) with presentation feedback; submit annotated bib, & 1-2 pp on issues, problems, ideas, proposed strategies; distribute outlines extracted from reports Read: Clark, in Fernie 245-253
16th April
Class Discussion: Methodology issues raised
through readings & growing research experience Read: Onians, in Fernie 254-248
21st April
17Junior Project 3 begins (submit
annotated bibs) Senior progress reports or presentation (× 2) (possible basis for public oral presentation)
Submit annotated bib & notes as before Read: Baldwin et al, in Fernie 259-280
23rd April
Peer reviews of Project 2 due (see unit
15) Senior progress reports or presentation (× 2) (possible basis for public oral presentation) Submit annotated bib & notes as before Read: Alpers, in Fernie 281-290
28th April
Peer reviews of Project 2 due (see unit
15) Senior progress reports or presentation (× 2) (possible basis for public oral presentation) Submit annotated bib & notes as before Senior Thesis Plans due (with draft of introduction and conclusion) Read: Belting, in Fernie 291-295
30th April
(no class) Read: Pollock, in Fernie 296-313
5th May
Junior presentation (× 2) & feedback;
submit as paper (1 copy) Senior drafts due Read: Oguibe, in Fernie 314-322
7th May
Junior presentation (× 2) & feedback;
submit as paper (1 copy)