Art 345, Art in America, 1940s to Present
Assignments |
We will be visiting the exhibitions of several artists on campus throughout the semester, and we hope some or all of them will visit the class to talk with us. Your assignment is to choose one of them and discuss where and how his or her work fits (or does not fit) into the art historical schema set out by Jonathan Fineberg in the course book. In 1500-2000 words write an additional "chapter section" on Fineberg's behalf. Decide where in the book your chapter section would go. Illustrate it with the artist's work, support it with the artist's own words if available, cite other sources as needed.>/p>
This is the single paper required for the course that will be developed during the semester. It is to be approximately 1500-2000 words long, and will have required and graded stages.
Since the assignment involves a considered response to the course book, reading assignments are essential preparation for it. You need to plan a regular schedule for these. Readings vary between about 7 and 12 pages including illustrations and you can expect to take an hour for reading alone, and then you will need to consider the questions, so allow another half hour or more for that. If you like, read with other class members and consider the questions together.
Reading Assignment 1 (the introduction)
The book is a broad survey in more or less chronological sequence. Its breadth forces the author to order and group the artists and his choices are not the only possible ones. He discusses his reasons and intentions in the introduction. With this in mind, read it to gain an overview of how the book (and hence the course) is organized. Be ready to outline this in a couple of pithy sentences in class.
Further questions for the introduction:
How is the book and course organized (this is your couple of pithy sentences)?
- What does Fineberg say art is about (what does it address, what is its subject matter)?
- What does Fineberg say art is for?
- How does Fineberg characterise Modernism (include the Avant Garde)?
- How does Fineberg present the state of Modernism today?
For all further reading:
Note down how the author's discussion connects to this overview. Remind yourself where the artists, events and discussions fit in his framework. Do they "flesh out" his introduction? Do they conflict with it? Do you wish he'd clarified something or paid more attention to something? What are his main points?
Paper Assignment
There will be a single developing paper assignment for this course. It is 1500-2000 words long and you are required to go through each stage.
Remember: I require straightforward, ordinary language, and good grammar and punctuation. I prefer (but do not insist) that you use the first person ("I"). My point is this: elaborate language almost always hides confusion or trickery. Write so that your best friend outside this course can follow your discussion or argument. Whatever your best friend needs to know (terms, explanations, examples) needs to be in your paper.
- 1.
- Choose and register your artist:
Choose one of the professional artists exhibiting in the Parkside galleries this semester. At the class of February 19th register your artist with me (that gives you over two weeks to choose and allows you the opportunity to meet many of them first).
- 2.
- The assignment:
Using three to six works, explain where this artist would be included in the course book and what points should be made about him/her. Point out which aspects of the artist's approach and work reflect, develop, or go into dialogue with the paradigms described by Fineberg. And/or go into dialogue with Fineberg and show how your artist reveals a worldview or intention that conflicts with Fineberg's concept. (Note: if you take this route, you will need to define the worldview or intentions revealed by your artist). Use your artist's name in the title, and quote this paragraph at the top of page 1 of your assignment).
- 3.
- Title, Introduction, Thesis Statement, Annotated Bibliography
The introduction should be about 400-500 words long, and the thesis statement should be part of that introduction and picked out in bold. Read the web page on Paper Writing to tell you what sort of things go into introductions and thesis statements. Start your annotated bibliography. Read the web page on Annotated Bibliographies to find out what form that should take. Make an appointment to submit and discuss your title, introduction and bibliography with me between March 19th and March 21st (you have 3-4 weeks for this stage).
- 4.
- Draft the full paper:
Write a draft of your paper, remembering to use and refer to examples of your artist's work. Attach illustrations of those works if they are not in Fineberg's book. Submit that draft on April 25th. I will look it over, make suggestions for improvement and return it to you with a notional "place-keeping" grade on it. (3 weeks for this stage, plus Spring Recess)
- 5.
- Make final version of the full paper:
Finally, taking note of my comments (which I will look to get to you by May 2nd), write a final copy of the paper and bibliography, and submit it for grading on May 9th. (approx 1 week for this tidy-up stage.)
Note: the grade you get at this stage is the one that will count. You can improve at every stage without penalty. You can also go down by skipping a stage in the assignment or by failing to address my comments. So if I ask you to deal with something, make it clear that you have tried to do so!